AEI Systems
Contact - +44 (0) 1344 636200

Rifled Barrel Production

AEI has 'in-house' capability to manufacture rifled barrels from bore size 20 mm up to 84 mm.

AEI has expanded its in-house production capability to include rifled barrel production from 12.7 mm to a maximum bore size of 105 mm with straight, constant and progressive parabolic rifling or any combination thereof.

Sub-contact barrel manufacture

AEI offers customers a partial or complete barrel manufacturing subcontract service.
This service includes assistance with barrel design and material selection if required.

Customers can supply partially machined blanks and AEI return them with rifled bores, or return them completely finished.
AEI will attempt to source material to a customer’s specification. If the material is unavailable AEI can advise suitable alternative materials.
Specialist machine tooling is proven before barrel production using sacrificial material that is fully inspected and sectioned.

Barrel proof

AEI offers customers a barrel proof service.
AEI holds a significant inventory of range test equipment including proof weapons and in most cases can assist customers if weapons are not available.

Proof ammunition

AEI can produce proof ammunition – with verifiable batch test data – from standard TP ammunition should barrel proof be a requirement, or simply use customer supplied proof ammunition.

Current production
AEI-HS80420 mm
M3920 mm
VENOM30 mm
ADEN30 mm
ASPEN30 mm
AE84-RCL84 mm
Data sheet

Barrel Production th

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